
The school does different events depending on the occasions. Recently the school did an adventure camp which was really successful. Students participated in all those events and enjoyed a lot. The reason for this camp was to teach students how to survive in situations which are not in their favour and also to overcome the fear.

The school is conducting summer camp every year for the students and for others also. The summer camp has different events such as Music, Drawing, Skating, Spoken English, Chess, Cricket etc.

  1. Adventure Camp

  2. Radio Jockey Workshop

  3. Science Exhibition

  4. Felicitation program (For extraordinary achievements of students and teachers)

  5. Personality Contest

  6. Music Competition (Late Shri Devendrabhai Patel Memorial)

  7. Sports Clinic

  8. Table Tennis Coaching Camp by all India TT Federation

  9. Chess Coaching Camp

  10. Field visits

  11. Long Tour (Fun Trip)

  12. Quiz Competition – 12th January (Swami Vivekanand Memorial)

  13. Spell bee competition

  14. A summer camp for kids

  15. Activity Center….. coaching of various skills through out the year

  16. Folk fitness…. practicising folk dances for physical fitness

  17. Music workshop…. for budding musicians

  18. Story Telling Workshop

  19. Health & hygiene

  1. Medical Check-up Camp

  2. Teenage orientation programme by Doctor

  3. First Aid Training

  4. Incinerator for hygiene